In addition to the basic federal student aid eligibility requirements, each type of aid program can have additional criteria. Grants for teaching degrees, for instance, often require a work commitment.

To qualify for a HEERF grant, you must meet the federal Title IV eligibility requirements and any other criteria your school may have. The basic criteria include having a Social Security number and enrolling in a degree or certificate program.

Qualifications for Federal Student Assistance

The Pell Grant application 2024 requires you to demonstrate a financial need as a low- or middle-income student or household. The Federal SEOG grant requirements are the same. 

For a FAFSA Pell Grant or FSEOG, you must: 

  • Be a citizen or eligible non-citizen.
  • Have a high school diploma or GED.  
  • Be an undergraduate student without a prior undergraduate or higher degree. 
  • Enrolled or plan to enroll in a degree-oriented program from participating schools. 
  • Not have defaulted on federal student loans or owe grant money. 
  • Sign a document promising to use the funds for only education-related costs. 
  • Maintain a satisfactory academic record. 
  • Register with the Selective Service if you are male and between 18 and 25 years of age.

However, you lose Pell Grant eligibility after 12 academic terms.

To get a TEACH grant, you can be an undergraduate, post baccalaureate, or graduate student of a school that participates in the TEACH program. You must also be enrolled in an eligible program that prepares you to teach. A two-year program might qualify if it has transferable credit that will lead to a bachelor’s or master’s degree. 

The TEACH Grant may have academic requirements, like maintaining a certain GPA. You will also need to complete TEACH Grant counseling annually that explains the work terms of the award, such as working:

  • At least four years within eight years after graduating. 
  • As a full-time teacher.
  • In a high-need field, such as elementary and secondary school basics, like math, reading, and science, but can include foreign language, bilingual education, English-language acquisition, special education, and any field identified on the annual “Teacher Shortage Area Nationwide Listing.” 
  • At an organization serving low-income students. The annual list of qualified schools is in the “Teacher Cancellation Low-Income Directory.”

TheTEACH Grant Agreement to Serve or Repay” is an agreement that you must sign stating that you understand the conditions of the program. The document serves as your understanding that you’ll need to repay the grant as a loan if you don’t fulfill the requirements of the contract.  

You may be able to get an Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant if you meet all of the following requirements:

  • Lost one or more parents or guardians while they were serving in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 11, 2001
  • Are ineligible for the Pell Grant because you do not have or have a lesser financial need
  • Are younger than 24 years of age
  • Are enrolled in school at least part-time 

To be eligible for MGIB-AD and MGIB-SR, you must be a former service member with an honorable discharge and high school diploma or GED. The VA may also accept 12 or more hours of college credits. 

You must also fit into one of the service categories defined by the VA. You can find an in-depth explanation of these categories on the VA’s website.You may qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill if you served on active duty after September 10, 2001, and served 90 days of active duty or 30 continuous days but were honorably discharged with a service-connected disability.

You may also qualify if you were honorably discharged with a Purple Heart regardless of active-duty service time.