You might think, “I do not have any hard skills,” or “I do not know what my soft skills are.” Check out the examples below if you feel like you are at a loss for skills. 

Creative Skills: Design, writing, and other creative skills can be difficult to present on a single page. Samples of your work can serve as proof of your abilities, such as a writing sample or an art portfolio.

Tips for Including Hard and Soft Skills on Your Resume
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Some soft skills you might list as a creative professional:

  • Time management
  • Active listening and communication
  • Dependable and persistent

Problem-solving is also important for professionals in the arts. Rather than just providing a service or product, you can tell prospective clients and employers that you have creative solutions should a problem arise. For example, ‘Designed and altered content to exceed the clients’ expectations.’  

Computer Skills

Most jobs nowadays involve using a computer. You can list your familiarity with types of operating systems, such as PC and Mac, as well as your experience with software and applications.

Most employers look for candidates with the following skills:

  • Microsoft Office; Word, Excel, and Powerpoint
  • Google Drive; Docs, Sheets, Forms, and Slides 
  • Basic internet and email 

More advanced computer skills include knowledge of graphic programs, like Photoshop and Illustrator, and programming.

You should also include your familiarity with programs related to your field, like QuickBooks, billing software, and database management. If you work in office administration, the number of words you can type in a minute is pertinent information. 

Management Skills

Leadership skills are fundamental in a supervisory position. But hard skills are equally important in management. You can highlight your ability to manage people and projects in your resume.

Even if you have not held a management position before, you can show your soft and hard leadership skills. For example:

  • Effectively collaborated and communicated with a team to reduce in-house waste by 20 percent and increase recycling by 60 percent.
  • Lead team meetings, presented quarterly results, and facilitated the transition to a new computer system.

Employers want to see a combination of soft and hard skills. Your resume should show your personality and your professional abilities. 

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