Medicare Part B focuses on two areas, medically necessary and preventative services. The majority of coverage is considered outpatient care, but there are some services that include hospital and doctor visits. For example, emergency and non-emergency ambulance services are covered under Part B.

You are also able to get some prescription drug services through Medicare Part B. More information on what services are covered through Part B, as well as how you can apply for Part B insurance, are listed below.

Medically Necessary and Preventive Coverage through Medicare Part B

Medicare Part B is considered one of the more confusing plans because it shares crossover with other Medicare plans. However, this also makes it one of the more popular choices because it allows you to cover multiple, often essential costs without having to juggle multiple plans. Many of the services relate to hospital care, but there are three additional areas covered through Part B:

  • Limited prescription drug costs. Typically, you need Medicare Part D coverage for any prescription costs. However, Part B will cover any of the prescription drugs used as part of your treatment in the hospital, such as injections or any medications required for medical equipment.
  • Ambulance transportation is another component of Medicare Part B. On average, emergency ambulance services cost between $500 to $1,500 without insurance. Emergency ambulance services also includes air transportation when necessary.
  • Non-emergency ambulance transportation is also covered under Part B. Non-emergency services refers to any situation where your doctor calls for an ambulance to transfer you to a new location so you can receive treatment. You must receive a written order from your doctor, detailing why the ambulance service is necessary. Without an order, you will be charged out of pocket.
  • Miscellaneous medical services are also covered under Part B. This includes any fees associated with clinical research, vaccinations and preventive services, such as medical screenings.

Medicare Part B also covers different mental health services. Both inpatient and outpatient services are covered, as well as partial hospitalization costs. This is any psychiatric treatment that requires you to receive treatment during the day without an overnight stay. 

Along with mental health services, Medicare Part B offers limited coverage for medical equipment. This includes:

  • Blood sugar monitors and diabetic testing strips.
  • Mobility aids, such as crutches, canes or wheelchairs.
  • Nebulizers or other related medications.
  • Infusion pumps and oxygen equipment.

If you need to buy or rent medical equipment, you may be able to use your Part B coverage, but this varies on a case by case basis and typically requires a doctor note. Unlike with Medicare Part A, there is a monthly premium for Part B. The deductible and copays are significantly lower than traditional health insurance.