Tips for Walking Your Way to a Healthier Lifestyle in 2023

Tips for Walking Your Way to a Healthier Lifestyle in 2023

If you are struggling to lead a healthier lifestyle, major changes may not be the best route to take. It is often difficult to stick to sudden major changes in routine. 

Instead, you can try making small healthy changes. For example, you can start walking on a regular basis. 

Studies show that walking regularly can lower your risk factors for certain illnesses, including heart disease. It can also help you strengthen your muscles, improve your bone health, and increase your energy levels. 

When you walk regularly, you may even start to shed unwanted weight. Here are some tips to help you walk your way into a healthier lifestyle in 2023.

1. Create a Reasonable Initial Walking Plan

When you are just starting out, make a reasonable walking plan for yourself. You may not have the time or endurance level to walk daily for an hour. 

A better option may be to start with 15-minute walks. It may not seem like much, but consistently walking for 15 minutes a few times per week can improve your physical health.

2. Adapt Your Walking Plan as Time Passes

It is important to start out slow when you begin walking regularly. That way, you set reasonable expectations and do not get discouraged. 

As your endurance improves and your schedule allows, it is also important to adapt your walking plan. Keep yourself physically challenged, especially if your goal is to lose weight or build muscle mass. 

When you are ready to adapt the plan, you can try to do one or more of the following:

  • Walk Every Day
  • Go on Longer Walks
  • Walk Faster Each Time
  • Consider Trying Other Related Activities (jogging, hiking, etc.)

3. Adapt Your Walking Plan Based on Life Events

Life events happen, and sometimes they can jeopardize your exercise plan. 

For example, you may find yourself having to travel unexpectedly. Find ways to keep walking anyway. You might take an hour or two to see the sights in your destination city. 

When traveling by air, you can also walk around airports during your layovers. You may not have the ability to stick to your exact walking plan while traveling, but you can still incorporate some walking.

Another reason you may have to adapt your walking plan is if your daily routine is interrupted. 

If you walk every morning but forget to set an alarm on a certain day, do not skip your walk. Fit it into your schedule whenever you can during the rest of the day. 

You might have time to squeeze the walk in after lunch or after work. If necessary, you can even take two shorter walks at various times to make up for missing your morning walk.

4. Choose Walking Routes That Do Not Bore You

Boredom is one of the most common reasons people stop walking or exercising. Avoid boredom by choosing walking routes you enjoy. 

Walking around your own neighborhood might seem nice, but after strolling through it several days in a row, you may need a change. Try driving to a local park, instead. 

If you walk on your work breaks, try taking different routes through the building or surrounding neighborhood. You can also find places to walk that incorporate things you love. For instance, if you enjoy watching people, walking around your local mall might satisfy that desire.

5. Listen or Talk While You Walk

You may not enjoy walking because it feels like a waste of your valuable time, especially if you have a career that keeps you busy. It might seem more important to attend meetings or meet other work obligations. 

You can solve those problems by multitasking. Listening to audio books can be a wonderful way to pass the time while you walk. Use them to learn new skills that may help you in the workplace while you exercise. 

You can also try one of these options to keep you busy while walking:

  • Listen to Music
  • Make Phone Calls
  • Voice Dictate Notes Relating to Home or Work Obligations

6. Walk With a Dog

If you are financially stable and have the time to commit to pet ownership, getting a dog may be a great option. A dog is a wonderful family pet and a great walking companion. 

Since a dog often needs to go outside, having one can also keep you from forgetting to walk or losing motivation to do so. If you cannot afford to own your own dog, offer to walk one for a neighbor daily. 

You can also consider starting a side business as a dog walker. Alternatively, you can volunteer to walk dogs a few times a week for your local animal shelter.

7. Find Ways to Walk in Bad Weather

Weather can be another issue that may derail your walking plans if you let it. However, there are plenty of ways to walk, even in snowy or rainy weather. 

If you walk around the neighborhood on work breaks, keep an umbrella by your desk. That way, you can still walk when it rains. If there is a thunderstorm or snowstorm and you do not feel safe walking outside, walk around inside the building to get your daily walk in. 

You can also go to other indoor public areas to walk, such as:

  • Malls
  • Indoor Recreation Centers
  • Indoor Running Tracks
  • Indoor Parks
  • Gyms

8. Start or Join a Walking Club

Many areas have established walking clubs. There might be one in the neighborhood where you live. 

Your workplace may also have a walking group established. If not, you can create one yourself by asking neighbors or co-workers to join you. 

There are many benefits of walking in a club. Some of these can include:

  • Socialization
  • Accountability Partnerships
  • A Sense of Belonging and Support
  • Safety in Numbers While Walking

9. Find Other Ways to Motivate Yourself to Walk

Every person is an individual with individual desires and preferences. It is important to identify your own if you want to stick to a walking routine. 

You might feel more motivated if you give yourself a reward for walking. Another way to potentially motivate yourself is to get your spouse or kids to walk with you. 

Once you find a system that works, stick to it. That way, you can start walking your way to a healthier lifestyle.